supporting the european live music sector and beyond!




in funding


possible grant budgets
[60k | 40k | 20k]


selected projects


open calls
[Nov 2023 | May 2024 | nov 2024]

in brief

Supported by Music Moves Europe, LIVEMX aims to nurture a more diverse and sustainable music sector through dedicated funding designed to answer the very specific needs of the European music ecosystem. The objective of this project is to help the sector develop and strengthen its skills, abilities, processes and resources to adapt and thrive in such a dynamic industry.

The funding scheme will focus on three specific topics:

Music export
Live Music venues
Digital circulation and engagement

objectives of livemx


Create and implement a simple, easy-to-navigate, targeted supporting programme which will distribute funding where needed and can make a real difference.


Support projects with scalable or reproducible results, to show the way for future ambitious funding programmes and policies in Europe for the music sector


Offer capacity-building actions (online webinars and resources) open to everyone for free to develop their projects in line with LIVEMX priorities. The online webinars will help applicants to design their projects and beneficiaries to connect with each other by fostering participation, developing skills and promoting peer learning, exchanges and further collaborations.

livemx’s partners

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.